Terms of Service
Before you proceed to BelADL you accept the following Terms of Service.
By validating below, you agree to the following text.
I agree to the terms and conditions of use of BelADL and have read and understood them.
I agree that the administrator,teacher or instructor can access my results of courses and tests taken.
I agree that the BelADL helpdesk can temporarily take over my session completely.
I agree that my e-mail address will be used to keep me informed of my progress in courses and/or tests.
General terms and conditions
All information, documents and courses published on BelADL are subject to the terms and conditions below.
By logging on to BelADL, You accept these terms of use, which are subject to change and re-approval at any time.
The information, documents and courses on this site are the property of Defence and are protected by copyright and/or intellectual property laws.
Any unauthorised use may be considered a violation of these laws.
Use of information
Unless otherwise indicated on the site, You may consult, download and print the documents.
The following conditions apply to the courses available:
1. The documents and information may only be used within Belgian Defence, and not for profit.
2. The documents and information from the site may not be distributed in public.
3. Under no circumstances may you violate copyright and other proprietary rights in respect of the documents and information.
Use and protection of your password
You are responsible for keeping your password confidential.
You are responsible for any use of your account, whether effective or intentional.
Publication of content on the site
1. You undertake not to publish on this site anything of a violent, discriminatory, defamatory, offensive, racist, xenophobic or pornographic nature.
2. Every course published must specify a responsible for its content.
Access to personal information
The administrator, teacher or instructor of the course have access to your BelADL object (exercise, test, feedback) results.
The BelADL helpdesk (global administrator) has the possibility to take over your session completely.